Helping People get healthy,

reshaping your body from the ​inside, out.

Helping People get healthy,

reshaping your body from the ​inside, out.

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weight loss

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hypertrophy training for Metabolic benefits
hypertrophy training for Metabolic benefits



"weight loss needs to address the biology of weight loss, not the mathematics of it."

Pat’s Story

I had enough!

After going through several

life changes and gaining an

extra 45 lbs. the last 14 years.

I realized that looking great and feeling great can be two different feelings simultaneously.

I have had many moments when I was told “You look great”… but I did not feel great. It wasn’t always about the number on the scale.

I wanted the ability to do all the activities that I want for myself and with my family and friends.

I have lost and gained weight throughout this time period, but finally, in the last three years, I decided it was time to get to know my body better and keep the extra weight off for good!

How does weight loss really work?

So, I went back to the knowledge of a Coach that I have respected since I competed in the fitness industry, Scott Abel.

His knowledge based on proven scientific research and observations over 30 years in the fitness industry, was the key to getting me back to where I wanted to be.

I knew it wasn’t just time to lose weight but make a lifestyle change that would be sustainable.

I knew that when I felt and looked healthy simultaneously, I was able to manage challenges more calmly and with collected thoughts.

An active lifestyle keeps me in this growth mindset. Everyday I must put in the work to remind myself:

  • That striving to be the healthiest version of myself gives me the strength.
  • When I don’t follow my diet strategy of whole foods and being active, I felt bad and I would struggle to focus on more of the positive things going on around me.

I imagine myself 15 years from now and think about what I need to be doing now to preserve a quality of life that will give me the ability to move with ease and enjoy my golden years.

Maintaining an active lifestyle brings me inner joy and influences my mindset daily

I learned... it is never too late to achieve a goal.

I want to be here to encourage behaviors and habits that will support our goals, and create sustainable changes in our lives.

Consistency with our program will be the key to unlocking your potential.

Patricia Whalen,

Active Lifestyle Counsellor

N.N.C.P. (Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner)

C.H.N. (Certified Holistic Nutritionist)

Registered Practitioner #NN1301

To help our clients strive to feel and perform like elite athletes, and thrive in everyday life through Nutrition, Mindset and Activity.

2007 FAME

Fitness & Model Expo



“In order to be sustainable, your process must be enjoyable and invigorating, and it must nurture and support and fuel self-esteem all along the way”

Trust YOURSELF so you can take the time to Embrace the process of building a better body from the inside, out.

I really feel it’s like the whole motivation piece and learning about yourself…developing self awareness is the key to sustainability.

I don’t believe in shaming people with the term “excuses”…it puts people on the defense and actually discourages change.

So to have one person or many repeating that you’re full of excuses is not helpful.

One has to figure out the reason?

“why are you doing one thing over another, why is it getting priority over another.”

It’s about accountability to the things you really want in life or need to achieve to be truly happy within.

Everyone has discipline in some way or form, but it’s when you want it bad enough is when you apply it.

Evolve your Circle of Influence...

The gym can be a great environment to decompress and help any feelings of adversity to process.

Consistency is key to your journey!

If you consistently keep going back to your plan, no matter how many times you messed up training your palate with whole foods, you will get there in your own time.

Keep going!

With my journey, I learned that if I stay committed and keep consistently going back to my plan after I messed up/went off my scheduled diet, that I eventually achieved my goal of training my palate and supporting the optimization of my metabolism.


“A body in motion, stays in motion”

Rob’s Story

I was 47 years old & 100 lbs


I had low energy levels,

feelings of depression and loss of hope.

I had given up on myself, at least this is

what I was feeling until I decided to do something about it.

I made a choice to help myself and stop attracting negativity and start attracting the positive things that life has to offer.

I needed to change my ways and create a better future for myself.

I started on my own by making one small change, then another one, then another one, I was putting in the work and seeing the results. My efforts were paying off.

Seeing and experiencing these changes made me more aware of my attitude.

I started experiencing life as something that happens for me, and I work on minimizing the negative energy and stop the victim mindset of “life happening to me”.

The vocabulary one uses makes a huge difference. My new vocabulary has giving me the power to bring about long-lasting change.

It took seven years for me to change my mindset, then I started changing my habits. It’s one of the hardest things anyone can journey through.

I did not know how, but I was determined to take that first step towards, self-talk, diet & exercise, and a BELIEF IN MYSELF.

As I journeyed on my own I was making great progress, but then things started to get confusing and started to stall.

I needed help, so I hired a coach.

Scott Abel is my coach still to this day, and he has given me tools to achieve & maintain my physique with consistency everyday.

Keeping results requires hard work, the work needs to be put in everyday, something that took a certain level of attention and energy to keeping the experience alive & well.

Now… this is who I am! I still fight the battle everyday, but my battle wounds are signs of progress, and I would love to share my knowledge and stories with the world.

“Thank you, Scott for sharing your decades of knowledge and your wisdom.”

Check out Scott Abel at:

Now…with a new outlook on life full of possibilities. My health has greatly improved, and my doctor is amazed with how great my blood work is compared to 15 months ago.

Are you at a stage in your life to make a lasting change and are ready to put the work in?

I was stuck in a defeating mindset and my health was suffering because of it.

I was at risk of dying young and the one thing I thought about was my family.

I started asking questions, the big question involved my family if I was to pass away.

What would happen to them if I met an early death due to health?

It was kind of pathetic when I look back today; health is taken for granted and the simplicity of what is needed to live a healthy lifestyle felt like the hardest thing to execute. I needed HELP!

So, I entrusted Scott Abel to show me how to make the changes needed to become and stay healthy.

I hired Coach Scott Abel, my Coach, my mentor, my teacher, and a great person. I've been with him since 2019 and never looked back. Thanks for everything Coach.

My Body Building Journey

I was in my early 30's when I did my first body building show.

It was a wild weight-loss journey that led to me experiencing first hand what metabolic dysfunction was, and the dangers of low testosterone.

Ask me about how I went from fat to fit to fat and back to fit. Over a decade journey of depression and unhealthy choices and how I dealt with metabolic dysfunction.

Also, ask me about my 35-years of steroid abuse and steroid use.

How poor choices as a teenager (15yrs.) led to why I'm on testosterone replacement therapy today; and, my experiences over the years with low testosterone and a poor quality of life.

"be the change you want to see

in the world today"

2022 picture update

2023 picture update

How I train at work.

2024 picture update - coming soon!

our walk-through process

Helping People get healthy,

reshaping your body from ​the inside, out.

Helping People get healthy,

reshaping your body from ​the inside, out.

  • Diet Strategies
  • Hard Gainer’s Solution ​Training
  • Metabolic Enhancement ​Training
  • Hypertrophy Training

Tell us what's on your ​ below.

This begins our inquiry process:

    • Email us to ASK AS MANY QUESTIONS ​as it takes for you to make a choice ​to change your ways.

  • We want you to be confident in your ​decision.

  • Once you are ready, and make a choice ​to move forward, payment will be ​required in order to begin the ​registration process.

Once registration is complete,

An intake questionnaire will be emailed to ​you.

Simply fill this out and return to us!

  • We will need a couple days to review to ​see which program is best suited for you ​and your fitness goals.

In the meantime, you‘ll receive an ​additional email with the following ​information;

    • Why Focus on Metabolism PDF.
    • Understanding Metabolism PDF.
    • The Dieting Realms of Time PDF.
    • Innervation Training Primer PDF & ​PowerPoint.
    • Innervation - Body Part Training PDF ​& PowerPoint.
    • Innervation Training Explained - ​cheat sheet

After assessing your answers, a customized ​diet strategy & training program will be ​emailed to you along with the following;

    • How to check in. PDF
    • A food list. PDF
    • Learning your biofeedback. PDF

This is a fresh start to a new way of doing ​things.

Commit Today!